She said it, and my imagination got the best of me. What I heard was, “Ferret Fest”. I asked myself, “What? That’s amazing… where does it happen? Is it once a year? Are there different locations? Is it international? Do I have to have my own ferret to attend? Is there a parade with ferrets in costumes?” The images, the fanfare, the pageantry… then I listened more intently as she said it again, “therapist”. I quietly exhaled. I so wanted it to be true.
Ingredients: Clementine skins, pistachio shells, carrot peels, irises, marigold petals, remnants from my Lomi*
*Lomi is a countertop composting appliance
Saratoga Arts made this program possible through the Community Arts Regrant Program, funded by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.